
Life Changing Books by David Udoh

 Pastor David Udoh is not just a Pastor but also a prolific writer with 3 amazing books already published. The first book, Secrets To Fulfilling Your Destiny, is a handbook for anyone especially young people who wish to fulfill their God-given purpose and assignments on earth. The second book, Break Out, Stand Out, Make News is a bomb on its own. You said you should fit in when you can always stand out and make a difference? You need this book to unlock the potentias within you and become all that God has for you in life.


 My 45th Birthday Celebration which was rather on a low key with Thanksgiving Service on Sunday September 18, 2022 at Full Life Christian Centre 6 kudirat Abiola Way Ikeja, Lagos was awesome to the glory of God. I had great and loving people ranging from family, friends and Ministry sons and daughters come around to thank God with me. My Lovely Children couldn't stop blowing my mind with their presentations. The joy of sitting back to receive encomiums from people whose lives you've touched over the years wasn't something to be forgotten in a hurry. I want to sincerely thank everyone that was a part of that great and memorable event. I truly appreciate you all. God bless!

Excerpts from my Spiritual Father's 49th birthday Service: March 21, 2021


2020 Mount Carmel pictorial excerpts

Company with the greats Company with the Greats! When you company with eagles, you fly their heights. Thank you Jesus for this great privilege! Side by side with my very brother and friend, Pst Emeka Ukpai    In a joyful dance with my spiritual Father, Rev Ntia I Ntia 

Is The Presence Of God Still With You?

Beloved, Is God's Presence Still With You? Are You still relevant in God's Agenda for you? Are you still carrying God's Presence? Are you still at your relevant Place of Service? Are you lost in the issues of Life that you have lost your place in God's plan? Are you like Samson who didn't care about the consequences of going out of God's Will for his life? Whatever it is that has separated you from your once "fireful" Love for God, there is good news for you. Take the time to listen to this short message and you will definitely be Blessed.

The pictorial excerpts of our 10th marriage anniversary March 14th 2019

OUR 10TH MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY Our 10th Marriage Anniversary 14/3/2019 celebrated at Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State was a memorable one and I was honored to have such precious men of God, Friends and beloved Sons/Daughters come to celebrate with Us.  My darling Children, Serene, Splendor, Stephanie and Sabel were not left out in the celebration. I sincerely appreciate my wife for her unflinching support despite all we've been through. "Honey girl, thank you for sticking through these years!" We pray God to use this glorious union to mould and mend many homes as we progress. Click to watch the short Clip.

Ministering @ the Full life National youth fire conference April 2019

The 2019 National youth Fire conference (NYFC) with the theme: 'Unstoppable' was such a memorable encounter. Apart from other opportunities of preaching for my spiritual father, I was privileged to be one of the key speakers in the conference along side my spiritual parents, Rev/Pst(Mrs) Ntia I. Ntia and Pst Emeka Ukpai. On Day 1, I preached on the topic: Unstoppable - Quest for knowledge. The topic was aimed at stressing the place, necessity and importance of knowledge towards living an unstoppable life. Highlights: Quest for knowledge means a passionate continuous search to posses information & awareness that improves your skills. 2. A deliberate desire to pursue and acquire instructions that increase learning. Prov12:1 How beneficial is knowledge? 1. Knowledge improves your value. Dan 6:1-3 2. It guarantees stability and continuous growth. Isa33:6 3. It keeps you ahead of others Day 2 highlights: I took the topic: Unstoppable- Accept Respon